SWM What's New - July 7, 2021

Posted date

 For further details on items discussed, please view the agenda on our website: www.southwestmiddlesex.ca 

Backyard Chickens

  • Backyard chickens were a big topic at the council meeting and following a complete round-table discussion, it was decided that backyard chickens will remain as status quo. This means that backyard chickens are still only allowed in agricultural zoned properties. It was noted that chickens do exist contrary to this decision but issues with chickens will continue to be dealt with on a complaint basis as has been the case in the past.

Court of Revisions held for:

  • Frederick Marsh Drain schedule of assessment was accepted as recommended by the engineer Spriet Associates
  • McFarlane Drain - Zwambag Culvert schedule of assessment was accepted as recommended by the engineer Spriet Associates

Operations Reports:

  • Wardsville Storm Water Drainage
    • Council accepted the recommendation that a Section 4 petition for drainage works in Wardsville to help alleviate the drainage issues with water crossing private and public lands within the town. Spriet Associates were appointed as the engineering firm to create a report for legal drainage outlets throughout Wardsville, including County roads and SWM roads.
  • McArthur Drain - Section 78 Improvement
    • Council accepted a request filed under Section 78 of The Drainage Act for Conc. 4 of Lot 11, to enclose the McArthur Drain in the former Twp of Ekfrid.
  • RFQ Results - Loton Drain
    • Maintenance of the Loton Drain in the amount of $9,000 before HST was approved for partial reconstruction of a drain in former Ekfrid. Timmermans Drainage and Excavating are awarded this work.
  • RFT Results - Towers Drain Reconstruction
    • Timmermans Drainage and Excavating are also awarded the contract in the amount of $76,957 before HST for reconstruction of a former Ekfrid Township Drain known as the Towers Drain
  • Lethbridge Road Options Lethbridge Road is a small dead-end road in former Ekfrid Township. Council approved staff proceeding with discussing the future of the road with the three property owners that presently access the road. Staff will return to council with the results of those discussions and provide recommendations for council's consideration based on those discussions.

General business of Council:

  • June 23 & 28, 2021 Council Meeting minutes
  • Vouchers

Correspondence Action:

  • Support of Fort Erie resolution concerning cannabis licensing

Adopted By-laws to: 

  • Kelly Drain drainage works
  • Confirm the proceedings of Council - July 7, 2021