Economic Development

Technology Business Image
For Questions Contact:
Jeff Brick |
Job Title
Interim Chief Administrative Officer
info [at]

As part of the Southwest Middlesex vision and mission, one of the key strategic priorities is economic vitality with a focus on planning for marketing and developing assets for continuing economic growth.  Our supportive municipal government continues to take steps in progressively building programs that contribute to our overall attractiveness as a place where people want to invest and do business.  We welcome you to our community.  

Business Welcome Guide

Welcome to Southwest Middlesex! We love seeing new residents and businesses move in and we are here to help make your transition smooth. We understand the challenges associated with a business opening and want to make sure you have all of the information and resources that you need to navigate the process successfully. Below you will find our Business Welcome Guide containing general information about the area and services provided.  Topics covered include:

  • Community Profile
  • Municipal Organization
  • Important Departments and Contacts
  • Zoning & Construction Requirements
  • Community Improvement Plan (CIP) Information
  • Business Licensing, including Liquor Licensing
  • Business Resources Information
  • Municipal Services & Utilities
  • When you Need to see us at the Municipal Office
Business Welcome Package Image
Business Directory

Southwest Middlesex Business Directory

To see the Southwest Middlesex business directory click here.

To register your business in the Southwest Middlesex Business Directory click here.

If you would like to see your business edited or added to the directory please email @email or call 519-287-2015 ext. 8121

Middlesex County Business Directory

To view the Middlesex County business directory please visit Invest in Middlesex.  We encourage all Southwest Middlesex business owners to register their business in this directory for great exposure locally and beyond.

To view a virtual map of Southwest Middlesex business' that have registered under Middlesex County's Business Directory click here.

Economic Snapshot of Southwest Middlesex - Population, Housing, Labour Force and Local Economy

Southwest Middlesex is currently experiencing growth through new housing starts.  We continue to look into opportunities to diversify our existing housing stock and traditionally, Southwest Middlesex has enjoyed significantly lower housing market prices.  We have a labour force of approximately 3,100.  Our labour force is relatively strong with unemployment rates lower than the provincial average.  

The key economic drivers in Southwest Middlesex with respect to job growth are in the areas of Health Care and Social Assistance, Construction, Manufacturing, Transportation and Warehousing and Accommodation and Food Services while key economic drivers in respect to revenue generation are in Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing, Farms, Utility System Construction and Agriculture, Construction and Mining Machinery Manufacturing. 

Economic Snapshot - Population and Housing in SWM
Economic Snapshot - Labour Force and Local Economy in SWM



Community Improvement Plan (CIP)

A Community Improvement Plan, or CIP, is a tool that allows a municipality to direct funds and implement policy initiatives toward a specifically defined project area to encourage revitalization initiatives and stimulate development and redevelopment.

As part of the Southwest Middlesex vision and mission, one of the key strategic priorities is, ‘economic vitality with a focus on planning for marketing and developing assets for continuing economic growth’.   That is the reason that council pursued the development of a Community Improvement Plan (CIP) with goals to:

• Retain and support existing businesses;
• Attract new investment, partnerships, and funding to the community;
• Reduce the number of vacant or under-utilized or non-performing buildings and properties;
• Promote Southwest Middlesex’s agricultural heritage and character;
• Revitalize local streetscapes and gateways into the community to create a vibrant and stimulating public realm that attracts outside people and businesses; and,
• Increase opportunities for attainable housing options.

To see all the subsidy and grant offering from Southwest Middlesex's CIP: click here

To view Southwest Middlesex's official CIP: click here

Additional Business Support Organizations
Community Futures Development Corporation (CFDC) Business Help Centre

The CFDC is a great organization that offers a range of small business supports including:

  • Business Consulting & Planning
  • Community Economic Development
  • Small Business Financing
  • Workshops
Invest in Middlesex
  • Community Economic Development 
  • Promotion and support of local business
  • Workshops
Available Real Estate

Invest in Middlesex is your source for searching available commercial and industrial properties throughout Middlesex County.  Searching can be refined to Southwest Middlesex to find out what properties we have to offer in our community.  If you would like to list a property through this database, you can contact us or go directly through the Invest in Middlesex office.  

Local Business Testimonials

Videos provided by courtesy of Invest in Middlesex.

Fulline Farm & Garden Equipment - Glencoe, Ontario
Penta Equipment - Glencoe, Ontario
Sabbe Tree Farm - Newbury, Ontario
Wardsville Golf Club - Wardsville, Ontario