Southwest Middlesex issues billings for various services offered in your area.
Utility Bills
Southwest Middlesex issues bi-monthly bills for water and/or wastewater (sewer), depending on the services offered in your area. Water meters are read as close to the 15th every other month with bills due the 30th of the following month.
If your water/sewer system is not operating properly please contact the Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) at 519-435-6539 (24-hour).
Utility Bill - Information
Due Dates:
- Water meters are read six (6) times a year and billed accordingly.
Late Payments:
- Penalty/interest of 1.25% is charged on overdue accounts on the 4th day of default.
- An arrears statement will be mailed for all invoices that are 10 days in arrears
- A final statement will be mailed for all accounts over $50.00 that are 17 days in arrears with notification that the water supply may be shut off if the account is still in arrears 7 days from the date of mailing of the final statement
- If payment is not received the water service may be disconnected until the account is paid in full or a satisfactory repayment plan is in place
- Thereafter the balance will be transferred to the property tax account if remaining unpaid.
- Failure to receive a bill does not relieve the customer from the finance charge or a transfer to the property tax account.
Utility Bill - Receiving your Bill
Unless otherwise indicated, customers receive their utility bill (water and/or wastewater) by mail.
Billing Options for Customers at this time include:
- E-mail Billing
- The municipality offers customers the opportunity to receive their utility bill by email. Receiving your bill by email allows customers to receive bills immediately and easily file these important documents electronically for future reference.
- To sign up, complete the Email Billing Sign-up Form. This form is also available in pdf. Note that depending on when you sign up in the billing cycle you may receive one further paper bill.
- If you would like to be removed from email billing please send us an email or a letter by mail.
Utility Bill - Paying your Bill
Customers have several options for paying their utility bill:
Pre-authorized Payment Plan (PAP)
- Set up automatic withdrawals from your financial institution
- Pre-authorized payment of water will be available for due date or can be monthly installments
- See pre-authorized payment plan form for more information - Pre-authorized Payment Plan Sign-up Form
- Cancel or Change Pre-authorized Payment Plan Form
Internet or Telephone Banking
- The payee name is listed as "Municipality of Southwest Middlesex or Southwest Middlesex Municipality of"
- You may already have another account (such as taxes) under this payee. If so, you will need to set up an additional utility account for your Water & Wastewater payment
- Use your water billing account number and use all 10 digits.
- Please allow at least three (3) days for bank processing time to avoid late payment penalties
- Bills can be paid at any authorized financial institution
- Please allow at least three (3) days for bank processing time to avoid late payment penalties
- Must be through your financial institution and transferred from your account
- If you are paying by cheque through the mail system, allow sufficient time for delivery
- Please make cheques payable to "Municipality of Southwest Middlesex"
- NSF fee will be charged for any returned payments
- Payments received after the due date will be subject to penalty
In-Person Payment by Cash, Cheque or Debit
- Payment can be made at the municipal office Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. - 153 McKellar Street in Glencoe
- Credit card payments are accepted but are subject to a 2.5% surcharge
- Please make cheques payable to "Municipality of Southwest Middlesex"
- NSF fee will be charged for any returned payments
Utility Bill - Moving & New Accounts
- Please note that there is a $25 set-up fee for new accounts
Moving to a new home/new address in Southwest Middlesex:
- Set up a new account by completing the Request a New Water Account Form
- Accounts must be in the name of the owner of the property, however, bills can be sent to a tenant for payment.
Moving to a new-build home in Southwest Middlesex:
- Contact our water billing department prior to requesting a new water account to ensure your new-build home is registered in our system
Moving out of your current home:
- Request a final meter read by filling out the Final Meter Reading Form
Frequently requested contacts for customers who are moving:
- Electricity - Hydro One 1-888-664-9376
- Natural Gas - Enbridge Gas 1-888-774-3111
- Property Assessment - MPAC 1-866-296-6722
New to Southwest Middlesex?
We welcome you to your new home - please take a few moments to visit our new residents page
Please contact Water Billing for further information
Tax Billing
Southwest Middlesex collects property tax on behalf of the municipality, Middlesex County and local school boards. You can learn more about how your property tax is calculated and billed on our taxes and assessments page or try our property tax calculator tool.
Property Tax - Information
Due Dates:
Interim taxes are based on 50% of the previous years' taxes with interim bill due dates being:
- February 28th
- May 28th
Interim bills are mailed out as close as possible to the first week in February
Final tax due dates are:
- August 28th
- November 28th
Final bills are mailed out a close as possible to the first week in August
Late Payments
- Penalty/interest of 1.25% is charged on overdue accounts on the first day of default and the first day of each month thereafter.
- Accounts overdue for two years may be subject to a tax arrears certificate (tax registration lien).
- Failure to receive a bill does not relieve the customer from the finance charge or tax arrears certificate.
Property Tax - Receiving your Bill
Residents and businesses will receive tax bills by mail or if you choose, you can receive bills through the following methods:
E-Mail Billing
The municipality offers residents the opportunity to receive tax bills by e-mail. There is no requirement to sign up for this service. Receiving your property tax bill by email will allow you to receive bills immediately and easily file these important documents electronically for future reference.
- If you wish to sign up for e-mail billing, please fill out Sign-Up for Email Billing form. This form is also available in pdf form.
- If you would like to be removed from email billing, please send us an email or a letter by mail.
Property Tax - Paying your Bill
Pre-Authorized Payment (PAP) Plan
Twelve (12) automatic withdrawals from your bank account on the 28th day each month (January to December) or automatic withdrawals from your bank account on the four installment due dates. See the pre-authorized payment plan form for more information.
- Pre-authorized Payment Plan Sign-up Form
- Cancel or Change Pre-authorized Payment (PAP) Plan
- You will still receive a bill from the municipality if you pay by PAP. It will say "Do Not Pay – Preauthorized Payment Plan" on your bill.
Internet or Telephone Banking
- The payee name is listed as "Municipality of Southwest Middlesex or Southwest Middlesex Municipality of"
- You may already have another account (such as water or utility bills) under this payee. If so, you will need to setup an additional tax account for your property tax payment.
- Use your property roll number for your account number and use all 19 digits (if only 15 are allowed, leave off the last four zeros)
- Please allow at least three (3) days for bank processing time to avoid late payment penalties
- Bills can be paid at any authorized financial institution
- Please allow at least three (3) days for bank processing time to avoid late payment penalties
- Must be your financial institution and transferred from your account
- If you are paying by cheque through the mail, allow sufficient time for delivery
- Please make cheques payable to "Municipality of Southwest Middlesex"
- NSF fee will be charged for any returned payments
- Payments received after the due date will be subject to penalty
In-Person Payment by Cash, Cheque, Credit Card or Debit
- Payment can be made at the municipal office Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at 153 McKellar Street, Glencoe. A drop-box is provided at the office as well (cheques only)
- Credit card payments are accepted but are subject to a 2.5% surcharge
- Please make cheques payable to "Municipality of Southwest Middlesex"
- NSF fee will be charged for any returned payments
Property Tax - Moving into a New Property in Southwest Middlesex
There is no need to contact us if you are moving unless you haven't received a tax bill. The tax account (roll number) stays with the property.
- Please contact your lawyer for any tax adjustments between owners
- There is a $10 set-up fee for new property tax accounts
New to Middlesex County?
- Welcome to your new home - please take a minute to visit our new resident information page.
Dog Licensing
All dogs in Southwest Middlesex must have a valid license and dog tag. Dog tags are charged annually but tags are provided every three years. If you are new to Southwest Middlesex or have a new dog, please contact the office to have your new pet registered. See the link at the top of the page for additional information concerning animal services.