While the Municipality will make every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of website content the Municipality does not guarantee in any manner the quality, accuracy or completeness of any information of this website, or in links provided by this website. A link between the Municipality of Southwest Middlesex website and any other website does not imply endorsement or sponsorship of that website, or the creator of that website. In the event of a discrepancy between content on the website and the information contained in official records of the Municipality the information contained in official records of the Municipality will be deemed as accurate.
Please read our full Communications Policy for complete details. The following excerpts from the official policy contain partial information and are supplied for your convenience.
Privacy and Access
The Municipality respects the privacy of its web visitors. The municipality is subject to Ontario Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFFIPA) and other privacy legislation.
Senders of messages should be aware that personal and other information contained in electronic correspondence (or printed versions thereof) which are directed to Southwest Middlesex are subject to MFIPPA and may be deemed releasable under this legislation and that the anonymity or confidentiality of the sender or the information cannot be guaranteed. Electronic messages reside on systems outside of those of domain names owned by Southwest Middlesex but deemed to be in the custody and control of Southwest Middlesex may also be releasable under this legislation.
Use of Collected Information
Southwest Middlesex does not collect information for commercial or marketing purposes. We will not sell, trade, rent or otherwise disclose to third parties the personal information provided by web visitors. Information collected by Southwest Middlesex is collected and used only for the minimum information needed to meet the purpose for which the collection is required and only authorized Southwest Middlesex personnel that need access to personal information collected through on-line forms are granted access for use, analysis and disclosure.
Information as Part of the Public Record
Information submitted through online forms or other formats, such as emails, letters petitions, etc., may be placed in a public agenda and become part of the public record. Your personal information will be collected and maintained for the purpose of creating a record and may be available to the general public pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001, MFFIPA and any other relevant Acts.
Corrections and Additions
Southwest Middlesex will strive to create a consistently high level of usability for our entire audience across our website. If you notice anything that requires updating, please contact us at 519-287-2015 or send an email to info@southwestmiddlesex.ca