SWM What's New - March 9, 2022

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SWM What's New - March 9, 2022


for further details on items discussed, please view the agenda or watch the council meeting on our YouTube channel.

Four Counties Health Services Foundation/Hospital Presentation

Tom Jeffery, FCHS Foundation Chair, Steph Ouellet, MHA VP Strategic Partnerships and Martha Wortner, FCHS Foundation Admin Assistant attended council on behalf of Four Counties Health Services and FCHS Foundation.  

The goal of the hospital and the foundation are to raise awareness of the hospital and its attributes.  Newer attributes for FCHS is their "Health Village" which includes Dynacare, a Wellness Clinic, a dental clinic as well as SOAHAC.  It was noted that the Ministry of Health does not fund the purchase of hospital medical equipment, which is why they reach out to our community about the needs.  FCHS medical equipment is purchased through the generous support of our donors and the foundation has contributed over 8,500,000 to support medical equipment purchases at FCHS.  It was noted that the Municipality of Southwest Middlesex has contributed $200,000 over the past 20 years.

Contributions to the hospital fundraising campaign helps to:

  • Provide State of the Art medical equipment for patient care
  • Allows the hospital to increase number of procedures
  • Reduces wait times
  • Keeps care close to home

2022 CIP Applications

Council approves the recommendations of the Community Improvement Plan Evaluation Committee for the following projects:

  • 221 Main Street, Glencoe - Façade Improvement Grant $2,278.70
  • 222 Main Street, Glencoe - Building, Property & Accessibility Grant $5,000
  • 245 Main Street, Glencoe - Building, Property & Accessibility Grant $3,346.00

Two additional applications will come forward as soon as possible following clarification of supporting materials.  The first round of approved applications will is a grant award of $10,624.70 with a total investment by business owners of $98,408.76 based on lowest overall quotes.  

Also coming out of the meeting is, as a pilot project for 2022, the Signage Improvement Grant will be open to businesses to apply for throughout the year for eligible signage improvement projects that can be completed within the current calendar year.  This new feature will be available as long as funds remain available in the current year's budget.

Section 270 Requirements

Section 270 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that all municipalities must develop and maintain a set of specific policies which provide a basis for decision-making, as well as clear and consistent implementation processes.  A key responsibility of Council is the establishment of policies which provide direction for municipal operations. Staff provide advice and research to help inform Council related to policies, and then implement approved council policies.  

In response to the requirements of the Municipal Act, required Policies that were reviewed and revised include:

  • sale and other disposition of land;
  • hiring of employees;
  • procurement of goods and services;
  • when and how to provide notice to the public;
  • how the municipality will try to ensure accountability and transparency to the public; and
  • delegation of powers and duties.

Ensuring accountability and transparency is one of the roles of Council, under the Municipal Act, and a priority in maintaining public trust. Councillors are accountable to the public as elected officials. It is important that procedures and policies are clearly set out and accessible, and that the day-to-day operations of the municipality remain transparent.

Drainage Matters

New Drain under Section 4 of the Drainage Act for Range 2N Lot 18 and Range 1N Lot 18 which will create a legal outlet for an existing drain in former Mosa Township.  Spriet Associates have been appointed to prepare the report for council's consideration.

Several Section 78 drain petitions were received with Spriet Associates appointed to prepare the report for council's consideration:

  • Mills Drain, Branch B
  • McCahon Nemeth Drain
  • Stocking Drain

One additional drain petition has been received for te Moore Gough Drain which was accepted by council.  The next steps in the process will be contact with St. Clair Region Conservation Authority and other regulatory authorities to ensure legal compliance, a scoping meeting with affected land owners and a report back to council on the results of these actions before proceeding further on this request, as per the Drainage Act.

2022 Tar & Chip Tender Results

As part of the 2022 Capital Budget, Council approved the Pulverizing and Surface Treatment Tender for Olde Rd. (Thames to Melbourne Roads). A Request for Tender was submitted to numerous companies within this market. Three bids were received with Council approving the pricing as provided by MSO Construction Ltd. in the amount of $890,214.00 (HST included).

2022 Gravel Tender Results

The Municipality has had a program of complete gravel coverage every 2 years on all unpaved Roads.  The Tender closed with two (2) companies submitting bids to provide this service.

  • Johnson Bros Ltd
  • Mckenzie Henderson

Council approves the tender price as supplied by Johnson Bros. Ltd. for the supply and delivery of the Municipality’s gravel requirements for 2022 being

  • Granular M at $20.89 per tonne,
  • ¾ Clear at $25.85 per tonne
  • Granular “A” at $20.89 per tonne, ¾ inch clear stone at $25.85.

It was also agreed that $102,329 be moved from the Public Works Construction Reserve to cover the work scheduled for 2022.

Woodlot Management

Further to council’s direction, assessment reports on three woodlots owned by Southwest Middlesex were obtained through GWG Resource Services.  The reports include long term and short term objectives for each woodlot so that Southwest Middlesex can be more active in how our forested areas are managed.  Following review, the reports were accepted by Council.  The location of the woodlots are as follows:

  • Pt Lots 18 & 19, Con 3 (off Hagerty Road) - 77.5 ac
  • Pt Lot 8, Con 9 (off Pratt Siding Road) - 50.37 ac
  • Pt Lot 9, Con 9 (off Pratt Siding Road) - 29 ac

The three reports were prepared using “good forestry practices” which includes the proper implementation of harvest, renewal and maintenance activities known to be appropriate for the forest and environmental conditions under which they are being applied and that minimize detriments to forest values including significant ecosystems, important fish and wildlife habitat, soil and water quality and quantity, forest productivity and health and the aesthetics and recreational opportunities of the landscape.

The Long Term (20 year) Objectives for all locations include:

  • Manage the forest as an all age, mid tolerant species woodland.
  • Retain as much diversity as possible.
  • Maintain the trail system for recreational and harvesting purposes.
  • Retain the wildlife attributes.

The Short Term (10 year) Objectives general include the following:

  • Due to past management practices, most of the properties were logged 15-20 years ago, however some of the areas with conifer trees could uses a thinning to encourage other hardwood species to grow.
  • Two of the three woodlots within the next 8-10 years the woodland should be reassessed for the next possible harvest.
  • Maintain the trails for recreational & hunting purposes.
  • Annually check for any insect or disease issues and take appropriate action.
  • Be on the lookout for any invasive species (ie. buckthorn, garlic mustard, dog strangling vine, spicebush, etc.) and take appropriate action.

Southwest Middlesex is devoted to taking proper care of these wonderful natural assets. 

General Business of Council:

  • February 9, 2022 meeting minutes
  • SWM Vouchers
  • Election policy review - Use of Corporate Resources

Support of the correspondence of:

  • Town of Bracebridge concerning the review of the sharing of hospital costs

Adopted By-laws to:

  • Regulate Lighting including Nuisance Lighting
  • Establish policies for the sale and other disposition of land, hiring of employees, Council and staff relationships, procurement of goods and services, public notice, accountability and transparency, delegation of powers and duties, protecting the tree canopy and natural vegetation and parental/pregnancy leaves of members of Council, as required under section 270(1) of the Municipal Act
  • Confirming  proceedings of council - March 9, 2022