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Deck the House
Deck the House Holiday Light Contest -
π Nominate Now! π
Get ready to spread holiday cheer and light up your neighbourhood with the most dazzling and festive decorations! The annual "Deck the House" holiday light contest is back, and we invite you to participate. Nominate yourself, your friends, family, or neighbours for this popular community-building Christmas event! The only rule, is a Wardsville address.
How to Nominate: It's easy! Simply fill out this registration form or pick one up at the library or Alterna Savings. Don't forget to return by Dec 17. Whether it's your creatively crafted lights, a friend's winter wonderland, or your neighbour's stunning display, everyone is welcome to join in the festive fun.
Don't miss the chance to be part of this magical event that brings our community together in the spirit of the season. Let's light up our town and create unforgettable holiday memories for everyone!
Deadline: December 17th, 6:00 PM
Judging: December 19. Have all you lights and decor on by 6:00 pm.
Winners Announced: Dec 21